Monday, January 16, 2012

Feeling Overwhelmed? Create Order

I recently came across a passage from a book called Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach that really resonated with me. Here is an excerpt:

"Whenever I am feeling overwhelmed by outside circumstances - worries about money, concern over a sick family member, or anxiety over prolonged business negotiations - instinctively I turn to homegrown rituals to restore my equilibrium. There is an immediate emotional and psychological payoff to getting our houses in order. We might not be able to control what's happening externally in our lives but we can learn to look for our own inner resources for a sense of comfort that nurtures and sustains...If you feel constantly adrift but don't know why, be willing to explore the role that order - of the lack of it - plays in your life. No woman can think clearly when constantly surrounded by clutter, chaos, and confusion, no matter who is responsible for it."

Just as Ms. Breathnach writes of, I notice a shift in my mood when my surroundings are chaotic. The good news is that working my way out of a funk can be as easy as picking up just one room in my house. If you ever find yourself feeling this way, know that relief can be found pretty quickly. Start small and in the place that provides the most sanctuary for you, be it your bedroom, bathroom or living room. (You know you've picked the right place if this is the place that you want to retreat to whenever you are feeling stressed.) Simply by putting a few things away (start with just one small corner), you can regain a sense of order and control. When your personal space feels more in order, so does your mind and soul. Then it's time to sit back, kick your feet up and enjoy a little well-deserved "you" time! The rest of the world can wait...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Creating Workable Space

I recently worked with a fabulous client on a really fun and impactful project. We transformed a desk that sits in her living area. The desk had become unusable, as it served as a repository for all sorts of miscellaneous stuff...bills, photos, candles and decorations, notepads, doggy toys, etc.
Work Area - Before

In a matter of just a few hours, we were able to get rid of many of the items in and on the desk and find homes for the things that she still needed. We were able to clear the top of the desk to allow for a convenient "inbox-style" filing system to keep track of current projects and to house her printer which had been hidden next to the couch. Now she has a place to pay bills, surf the internet and keep track of important documents. This transformation has also added a sense of order to her living room, allowing her to  really relax at the end of a long day!

Work Area - After

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Wrapping Up the Holidays

On this, the first day of a new year, I must admit that I am somewhat ambivalent about bidding adieu to the holiday season. The holidays bring with them so many joys that I am always sad to see them go. However, I love the idea of starting a new year with a clean slate...which led me back down to the basement to pull out all of the boxes where I store my holiday decorations. Surprisingly, the process took me less than an hour thanks to some basic organizing tips.

If you are feeling a little overwhelmed by the process of putting away your holiday decorations, I recommend the following steps.

1.) Set aside enough time without any distractions so that you can focus on the task at hand. You will feel much better if you can complete the whole job and check it off your list!
2.) In order to most effectively store ornaments, I suggest using a plastic (great for moisture-resistance) or cardboard tote that has sectioned off areas.
3.) Wrap strands of lights individually and secure with twist ties to keep them from getting tangled.
4.) Before you put the boxes away, be sure to get rid of any broken decorations or things you no longer plan to use.
5.) Label the boxes and them store in one area so that you know exactly where to access all of the decorations when the time comes to put them back up next winter.

For more great tips, visit this helpful article on Real Simple's website: 

Happy New Year!