Do you ever find that your day to day life feels too full? Are you days packed full of appointments, errands, obligations to family and friends? And do you find your home, office, or car too full of STUFF? This is a common feeling in this fast-paced world we're living in. All of this clutter can cause us to feel weighed down and stuck. It can feel like we're hardly enjoying life because we are too busy managing it all.
There is an inherent connection between our physical space and our mental and emotional space.
Play along with me for a moment...I would like you to visualize two different places. First, whether you've been there yourself or have only seen photos, think about Times Square in New York City. It's a place teeming with tall buildings, thousands of people rushing about, huge billboards, lighted signs, taxicabs screaming down the street, policemen directing traffic with whistles. Do you have an image of Times Square in your head? Can your visualize standing in the center of it all ?
Now think about how you're body feels right now. Is your heart beating faster? Are your shoulders tensing up? Is your mind beginning to race just thinking about all of the stimulating activities and noises going on?
Okay, now I'd like you visualize a different kind of place...think of a spa. Most spas are made up of comfortably sized rooms painted in muted colors and have just a few serene paintings hung on the wall. There may be one or two soft, inviting couches or chairs, a soothing waterfall, and a few fresh plants. You have plenty of room to move about in this space. Imagine being in this room.
Now stop and check in with your body right now. Has your breathing slowed down? Has tension in your Do you feel more at ease?
What you likely noticed was just the thought of being in a spa was more relaxing than envisioning being in Times Square. This simple exercise is related to how we experience our personal space as well. When we walk into our cars that teem with fast food wrappers and last week's mail or our homes that are filled with piles of paper on counters and sticking out of cabinets, clothes spilling out of closets and laundry rooms, this physical clutter tampers with our mental clarity. By addressing the "stuff" in our life and bringing some order to our spaces, we can actually feel lighter and more energetic. This ultimately allows us to make room for the things we truly desire - a sense of peace, rest, time for friends and family, even sleep!
There is an inherent connection between our physical space and our mental and emotional space.
Play along with me for a moment...I would like you to visualize two different places. First, whether you've been there yourself or have only seen photos, think about Times Square in New York City. It's a place teeming with tall buildings, thousands of people rushing about, huge billboards, lighted signs, taxicabs screaming down the street, policemen directing traffic with whistles. Do you have an image of Times Square in your head? Can your visualize standing in the center of it all ?
Now think about how you're body feels right now. Is your heart beating faster? Are your shoulders tensing up? Is your mind beginning to race just thinking about all of the stimulating activities and noises going on?
Okay, now I'd like you visualize a different kind of place...think of a spa. Most spas are made up of comfortably sized rooms painted in muted colors and have just a few serene paintings hung on the wall. There may be one or two soft, inviting couches or chairs, a soothing waterfall, and a few fresh plants. You have plenty of room to move about in this space. Imagine being in this room.
Now stop and check in with your body right now. Has your breathing slowed down? Has tension in your Do you feel more at ease?
What you likely noticed was just the thought of being in a spa was more relaxing than envisioning being in Times Square. This simple exercise is related to how we experience our personal space as well. When we walk into our cars that teem with fast food wrappers and last week's mail or our homes that are filled with piles of paper on counters and sticking out of cabinets, clothes spilling out of closets and laundry rooms, this physical clutter tampers with our mental clarity. By addressing the "stuff" in our life and bringing some order to our spaces, we can actually feel lighter and more energetic. This ultimately allows us to make room for the things we truly desire - a sense of peace, rest, time for friends and family, even sleep!